What’s in Your Purse?

It’s such a strange idea to think there are people willing to dump out the contents of their purse and photograph it for the world to see.  Oh wait?  What’s that?  People lie about what is in their purse?  What’s the point?  The point is to make yourself look good, as if you are letting people in to see your absolute personal life and you show them a beautifully arranged and color coordinated collage of absolute class and beauty.  Observe:

Susie from Style Bubble’s perfectly matching and non-embarrassing items.


This girl literally took everything Chanel she owns and arranged it around a hardcover book about Vogue that probably weighs ten pounds that no one would actually carry it in their purse.


This purse-owner only carries things that are exponentially adorable.


This girl is artistic: Moleskine and Cameras.  Sweet: Hello Kitty Crap.  Worldly: Iphone and Foreign money.  Nothing non-perfect about her!


Anyway so Susie Bubble is actually holding a contest for the best “What’s in Your Purse” photo which I actually considered going out a buying things for just so I could have a really fake purse picture as well.  Instead I did this.  First, what is actually in my purse:

Sunglasses, non-smart phone, gum, prescription drugs, chocolate, chap stick (stuff normal people have in their purses!).

Next I wondered what it might look like if I decided to stage the contents of my purse:

What I want people to think of me: 1. Only carries crap that matches.  2. Legitimately reads about the birth of film noir for fun.  3. Is sweet because of the Tiffany blue color scheme and bow.  4.  May or may not be sleeping at home tonight (make-up remover)  5. Lives near the beach.  (That one is true.)

I had so much fun doing this I though I would stage a couple more purse contents photos with all the random stuff I could find around my room.

I call this one: My Nerdy Alter Ego


Girl who is cool not only because she loves natural remedies and earthy jewelry but also because she isn’t afraid to let everyone know she loves to knit and practice tarot cards.


A bit Black Swan.


I call this one: Josh Witmer’s Perfect Girlfriend.


Someone who is so obviously lying about what she carries in her purse.


A Day At The Beach! Yayyy!


Send me your real and or fake purse pictures!

2 thoughts on “What’s in Your Purse?

  1. Christine G Tamburilla

    I was cracking up looking at your post on whats in your purse. I bet you can tell allot about a person by looking at the contents of their purse. Why do some women carry little purses and others need everything but the kitchen sink in theirs? Then theres the way they carry their purse. cross body, under the armpit, on the shoulder, just hanging loose,maybe dragging if its really heavy.Sometimes i wonder just how many purses a woman owns. Do they have more shoes or purses?Do you ever wonder why men dont carry purses? Theyre not stupid, they have us to carry all they’re crap around. Anyway I heard fanny packs are coming back in style!
    Momykat XO

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